PSA 10.225 Online Mercury System

The PSA 10.225 system has been specifically designed for the determination of mercury in a wide range of samples from waste-water and chemical processes.

Many industries try to remove mercury from the chemicals they use or buy low mercury content raw materials. Mercury is found in both the production streams and the wastewater flows from many chemical process streams such as incinerators, caustic soda and sulphuric acid production plants.

Long term monitoring of these streams is therefore essential to ensure the mercury is at acceptable limits.

The 10.225 online systems can be wall-mounted (recommended) or free-standing and for convenience consists of the following three sections;

  • Touch screen user interface

  • Chemistry section

  • Electronic section

The Touch screen and the electronic section provides the system control and user interface whilst the chemistry section takes the actual sample and oxidises all of the mercury to the +2 in the digestion manifold prior to reduction to Hg0 in the gas liquid separator and detection by atomic fluorescence spectroscopy.

The system can be used with a wide range of chemistries such as bromination, aqua regia and permanganate depending upon the customer’s requirements. The system can also run in either continuous flow or discrete injection modes to add further flexibility.


Technical Specifications

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Application Notes

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