Thermo Fisher Scientific: Science for Sustainability Symposia

Date: 13-15th April 2021
The sustainable use of raw materials in a way that conserves resources and protects the climate has been of central importance to the environment, the economy and society for many years.
Our use of plastics for instance in everyday items and manufacturing processes has resulted in a deluge of slowly degradable materials entering our environment and our food chain. Therefore, the sustainable use of raw materials is required in order to act in a resource and environmentally friendly way. Deepen your understanding of microplastic contaminants, bio-friendly alternatives to environmentally harmful materials and research into alternative energy resources and recycling.
Attend the virtual Science for Sustainability Symposia where international technical experts and scientists in the field will share perspectives to advance science, and to facilitate collaborations, in order to support researchers towards a cleaner, healthier and safer world.
Please click the below link to view the agenda: